Saturday, January 21, 2012


There are two different types of stingrays: fresh water and ocean. The ocean stingrays have a very small stinger and they aren't that mean with humans. The fresh water stingray lives in the Amazon River. It has a stinger two times the size of an ocean stingray's. And the fresh water is much more vicious. It also lives in much deeper water while the ocean one is more up for happiness at low tide. Now here is how the ocean stingray catches its prey: it buries itself under the sand and waits for some delicious prey. When something like a shrimp comes, its some lunch for the stingray. At the Amazon, the fresh water rays are some of the biggest that ever were.

Ocean Stingray
(Photo from

Fresh Water Stingray
(Photo from

1 comment:

  1. Cool, I never knew there were freshwater stingrays in the Amazon!
