Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tasmanian Devil

The Tasmanian devil lives around Australia.  These creatures may look like a scary animal, but they really are not. In fact these creatures are important to the environment. Well they may look like a predator, but really they are just a scavenger, which means they eat animals that have already died or are sick. The Tasmanian devil gets rid of harmful diseases that get passed on to many other animals. When another T-devil approaches (oh and by the way "T-devil" is another name for the Tasmanian Devil), they start to fight over the meal. And guess what? Their ears turn red! Their jaws are strong. In fact, when they are eating a carcass they can crack through the bones and steal the highly nutritious marrow inside the bone. No wonder they broke the record for the strongest jaws of any creature. And they have night vision; it may be black and white, but it is sharp as a tack. And if a juvenile Tasmanian devil wants to find where a carcass is, they just climb a tree. Only the juveniles can do that. They do that to get a better sent of the carcass.

(Photo from

1 comment:

  1. I learned a lot - I had no idea what a T-devil even looked like!
