Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Desert

In this post I will be talking about the desert.

Now the first creature we will meet around here is the desert jackrabbit. Now it may look very toasty in that fur coat of his but really the fur is actually fine and anyway it had ear conditioning. The wide ears help more air go into its ear and that cools the jackrabbit off.

Well you don't usually see the desert tortoise out of its burrow - it's burrow is a place where it keeps out of the sun.

And this place is a haven for collared lizards. Collared lizards can run on their hinds legs so they can get away from their arch enemy the road runner. Because the collared lizard can run faster on two legs.

But one of the meanest reptiles you can fine at the desert is probably the Gila Monster, a venomous animal. The venom isn't exactly the strongest venom in the world but hey this monster is still a monster you would not want under your bed.

For the most part, desert hummingbirds and bees do the pollination for the flowers at the desert.

But at night the bats take over that (the pollination).


  1. Actually Kalevi, I would not want any of these creatures under my bed.

  2. Oops. Forgot to say it is Grandpa who did not want any of these creatures under the bed.

  3. This is great! And don't forget Grandma has a desert pop up boook at her house that might have some more information in it. Keep up the blogging!!
