Monday, February 13, 2012

Gray Wolf

The gray wolf is an amazing predator. In fact, they were one of the few animals to survive the Ice Age. But there's this bigger wolf that didn't make it, called the dire wolf. Here's how the big ones did not survive and the smaller ones did.

The dire wolf was eating the really big prey. And the bigger the creature is, the harder it is for that creature to evolve. And the really big prey was disappearing.

Meanwhile the gray wolf was feeding on small things like rabbits and moles. So that's how the gray wolf survived.

And the gray wolf can run pretty fast. And it has this special pace where it can run very far. When it isn't in its pace and it's just sprinting, it can run 40 mph. And when its in its marathon runs, it can run up to 18 mph.
Us humans can run up to 23mph, so the gray wolf can run faster than a human when it's in sprinting mode. And anyway, a human can't run as far as a gray wolf.

Now wolves hunt in packs. The more wolves in a pack, the bigger prey they can take down. But the biggest and hardest to eat is the Moose. Moose can run 35 mph, but they can not run as long. But the moose's weapon is the horns. But they only work on one wolf. But the moose can swim.

Here's how you can tell if the paw prints are really gray wolf's. The gray wolf's paw prints are much bigger than a coyote's or a fox's.

(photo from

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