Sunday, January 1, 2012


The meerkat is a very fast animal. And they live in, well, holes. And these creatures' predators are mostly eagles and large birds of prey, of course. And there are many different jobs for different meerkats. You see, some meerkats do one job and some do another. Well, here's one of the jobs: the lookout, who must watch for predators. And some dig the holes. They are very good diggers, but sometimes it's easier just to borrow a hole from the aardvarks. You see, when the aardvark is done using the hole, many other creatures may want to live inside the hole. That's what the meerkats do - they go inside the hole sometimes.

(photo from

1 comment:

  1. Wow I had no idea they had their own jobs and borrowed holes from aardvarks - very clever!
