Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The therizinosaurus - because of the "saurus" part, this is not an animal from today. In fact, it's a dinosaur. The therizinosaurus breaks the record for longest claws of the dinosaurs. And this is a herbivore - but it walks on 2 legs like most carnivore dinosaurs do. All right well, here's the difference between omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores: carnivores usually have 2 legs and most 2-legged dinosaurs eat meat. Some of them that have 2 legs can also be omnivores though. Omnivores can eat both meat and plants, but usually they mostly eat meat. Herbivores: they usually have 4 legs and eat plants. The therizinosaurus was actually a herbivore - scientists were amazed by that. And another way it looks pretty weird is how it has pot belly.

 (image from blog.webosaurs.com)

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